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At Contour Cosmetics, safeguarding the personal details you share with us is our priority. We value transparency regarding the handling of information you provide through this platform. Before engaging with this site, it’s essential to acquaint yourself with our Digital Privacy Assurance. Currently, this policy applies exclusively to our clientele and visitors engaging with this platform and may not extend to interactions beyond this site. Please note, this platform isn’t designed for individuals below the age of 18

Our Digital Privacy Assurance delineates the variety of data collected from site visitors, the utilization of this data, and how visitors can manage the information they provide. This assurance solely covers data shared via this platform and does not extend to data collected elsewhere, including our affiliated or partner sites, or other means of communication with us.

Certain sections of this site necessitate the collection of personally identifiable details like your address and contact number for identification or to cater to your online requests.

Moreover, our servers document domain names, pages visited, time of visit, browser type, the link that led you to our site, and any interactions within our site during your visit. This data aids us, alongside our service providers, affiliates, and business partners, in analyzing site traffic, improving performance, and enhancing user convenience.

Like many sites, our servers aim to place a “cookie” on your device to identify it during future visits, helping to track site navigation statistics and promotional interactions on other platforms. This cookie doesn’t extract personal data but assists in internal endeavors to ameliorate site navigation, which is shared only with Contour Cosmetics affiliates and contractors dedicated to confidentiality. You may adjust your browser settings to decline cookies or alert you prior to acceptance.

Advertising on other platforms utilizes a third-party technology that places a small “cookie” on your device, lacking personal identification but aiding in monitoring the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns. The privacy policy of the advertising sites should enlighten you about these cookies, and you have the option to reject them.

Utilizing our services via a mobile application may entail cookies or Web beacons to tailor your browsing experience. Location-based services, if opted for, transmit location data to us solely to provide the requested service, such as locating a nearby outlet via GPS. These features are entirely optional.

Analytic tools within some mobile applications help us enhance our offerings by anonymously identifying popular services and features, device specifics, and regional download data.

This platform is not for individuals under 18, and we conscientiously avoid collecting personal data from or about minors.

At Contour Cosmetics, we endeavor to secure your personal data shared on this platform through robust physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards aligned with federal standards to thwart unauthorized access or misuse. Employee misconduct with customer data is met with disciplinary measures, and third parties handling your data are obligated to uphold this Privacy Assurance and establish robust information security protocols.

Please be cautious with electronic communication as it may not be secure, especially sensitive or confidential information.

This Digital Privacy Assurance is exclusive to data gathered on this platform, governed by U.S. law, as this is a U.S.-based site managed by Contour Cosmetics within the United States. Your continued engagement with this site from outside the United States signifies your agreement to this policy.

We retain the right to revise this Digital Privacy Assurance. Any substantial alterations will be reflected on our site, and we advise regular reviews for updates.

SMS/Text Communication Privacy Assurance
Recognizing the essence of privacy and trust in SMS/text communication, this section elucidates our practices concerning information collection, usage, and disclosure during SMS/text interactions.

Contour Cosmetics facilitates communication via email/mobile text messaging. While we employ reasonable measures to secure email/mobile text communication, we can’t guarantee absolute confidentiality and won’t be liable for unintended disclosure. By engaging in this communication, you acknowledge understanding and accepting these conditions.

Information Collection
In SMS/text communication, we may collect and store:

Usage of Information
The collected data serves to enhance our communication, fulfill service requests, and better our offerings. It may be used to:

Information Disclosure
Your personal data is neither sold nor leased to third parties. It may be shared with:

Security Measures
We employ reasonable precautions to shield collected information from unauthorized access. However, absolute security in online or wireless communication isn’t guaranteed.

Your Rights
You possess the rights to access, amend, and erase your personal data. For exercising these rights, reach out to us using the contact information below.

Privacy Policy Updates
This Privacy Policy may be updated periodically. Any changes will be published on our website, and continued service usage post-policy revision indicates your acceptance.

Contact Us
For any inquiries or concerns regarding this Privacy Assurance, feel free to contact us at